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Signing Up for an Account

You don't need an account to browse and search content on LibraryMusicSource.com. But when you're ready to download music files, you'll need to sign up for one of our account plans.

What plans do you offer?

We offer a variety of plans for both individuals and institutions such as schools and libraries. For more information about specific plans, visit our Subscription Plan page

How can I sign up for an institutional account?

Our sign up process for school and libraries is a little bit different from our sign up process for individual accounts. Therefore, you'll need to go to our IP Account Sign Up Form in order to start your 30-day trial.

Why is my country required to sign up?

Because some of our content is protected by copyright laws in some countries, it's important that we know what country you are using our service in. This information ensures that both you and LibraryMusicSource.com do not infringe any copyrighted material.